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  • Zapp, Andrea. See you online! In Jugend auf dem Datahighway, edited by Fred Schell and Bernd Schorb, 62-68. München, DE: kopaed verlags gmbh, 1995.
  • Aspects of Gaia -
    The installation is a 2-level schematization of this telematic Gaia. One level is presented in tents, with computer graphic images contributed by networkers around the world, and which can be further manipulated by participants in the tents.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ciberarte: rituais interativos para um sujeito interfaceado Coleção Mario Schemberg Arte e Ciência - ECA USP 1 (2001): 157-171.
  • schème
    Mussely, Catherine. schème
  • schème -
    Event: schèmeInstitution: La Rose des VentsComment:
  • schème -
    Event: schèmeInstitution: Ménagerie de VerreComment:
  • Ksenia Fedorova is a media art researcher and curator. She holds Ph.D in Philosophy/Aesthetics (St.Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, RU) and is a PhD candidate at the Cultural Studies Graduate Group, University of California Davis. Her research interests
  • Richard Brown has a BSc in Computers & Cybernetics and an MA in Fine Art and creates interactive artworks using multi-media technology, computer programming, electronics and interfacing. Between 1995 and 2001 Richard was a Research Fellow at the
  • schème -
    Event: schèmeInstitution: Rose des VentsComment:
  • schème -
    Event: schèmeInstitution: Menagerie de VerreComment: