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  • Scientific information from technicians and from the communities are gathered in a database, with geographical information. Participatory Design and Ethnographic Protocols for Visualization specific technologies (emergent systems, model-based
  • This musical composition and immersive installation explores the vibrational and interconnected essence of the universe. It delves into the dynamic web of waves and resonances that link all matter and energy, permeating all aspects of existence,
  • It records choreographies of moving bodies in real space, generating drawings on the electronic screen by different groupings of moving figures. The scenes are recorded by cameras in shots from above and at a distance, transforming the moving bodies
  • "Hotel Synthifornia ironically paraphrases the Eagles all-time-classic: 'Such a lovely place, such a lovely face... Relax!' Find yourself caught by the schizophrenic interpretation of a shoot-up game like Epic Games' Unreal. The semantic shift from
  • A chromatic clock that translates time into colors using 4 sine functions: one for each RGB color + black.
  • Using custom made circuits based on Arduino we create an intervention in the lighting systems of public spaces intending to alter the visitors' experiences of space and time, changing their apprehension of the surrounding environment and how they
  • Workshop and exhibition, results from the collaborative practice of a group of scientists and artists who were involved in all stages from the preparatory stages, in Brazil, to the event in Havana. LART, in the Art and Science circuit by proposing
  • The cinematic floor -
    The cinematic floorArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • The Reengineering of Urban – Bioart and mHealth Enactive Affective Systems and Affective NarrativesArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • EVALUATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIABLES in an unusual context, that is, non-clinical or laboratory, using a T-shirt developed by undergraduate students in Electronic Engineering and Masters in Biomedical Engineering, with sensors capable of measuring