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  • curlybot -
    curlybot is an toy that can record and playback physical motion. As one plays with it, it remembers how it has been moved and can replay that movement with all the intricacies of the original gesture; every pause, acceleration, and even the shaking
  • handSCAPE -
    HandSCAPE is a vectorizing digital tape measure as an input device for digitizing field measurements, and visualizing the volume of the resulting vectors with computer graphics. Using embedded orientation-sensing hardware, HandSCAPE captures
  • metaDESK -
    ... sensed by an array of optical, mechanical, and electromagnetic field sensors. The metaDESK "brings to life" these physical...
  • Paris VideoPlan -
    ... filmed with a stop-frame 35mm camera mounted on an electric cart, filming one frame every 2 meters. An encoder was attached to one...
  • ...During a guest residency at the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, I assigned my students the task of making a wall-size mural entirely...
  • The Dorm
    after-image projection - 27 image / 7 minute loop
  • ambientROOM -
    The ambientROOM is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of ambient media as a means of communicating information at the periphery of human perception. The ambientROOM allows users to be aware of background bits using ambient display media
  • transBOARD -
    ... users can monitor realtime drawing processes over the internet or can be aware of drawing activity through ambient displays in the...
  • mediaFlow -
    mediaFlow is the first project to interlink the multiple Tangible Bits platforms. mediaFlow uses Triangles to route the flow information such as activity on the transBOARD, metaDESK, or online sources to destinations like Ambient Fixtures, the
  • The “Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus” is a drawing machine illustrating a never-ending story by the use of patent drawings. The machine translates words of a text into patent drawings. Seven million patents — linked by over 22 million references