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  • The medium of light transversing a space is the very property that makes space experiential, and therefore 'real'. Julius then might use optical elements such as mirrors and lenses, to add an-other dimension to these physical spaces. Drawing on
  • Peraica, Ana, ed. Victims Symptom - PTSD and Culture. INC Readers, Amsterdam: Institute for Networked Culture, 2009.
  • Grau, Oliver. Das Pionierarchiv der Medienkunst: Kunstgeschichte aktuell 1, no. 9 (2009): 8.
  • Cadet, France. 10 places on "rue Paradis" In Art au paradis - exhibition catalogue, Marseille, FR: 2009.
  • Dog[lab]01
    Cadet, France. Dog[lab]01 Antennea 9 (Spring 2009): 23-31.
  • Cade, France. machine affection NEURAL 32 (Spring 2009).
  • Francesco Aprile (Lecce, Italy) is freelance journalist, poet and visual-poet, essayist. In 2010 he became member of the literary movement called New Page-Narrativa in store, that has founded in 2009 by Francesco Saverio Dòdaro and for which he
  • Bruno, Christophe. Google et au-delà: Interview by Ariel Kyrou Multitudes 36 (2009).
  • WJ-Spots1
    Bruno, Christophe. WJ-Spots1 digital mcd: Musique et cultures digitales (May 2009).
  • Bruno, Christophe. From Dada to Google Digimag 42 (2009).