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  • 2016:::::::: _Valigia Diplomatica Low Cost: fermata in ROM sequenza 2_Artist: Nilo CasaresComment:
  • Self&Other -
    Self&Other (2015 in progress) An in progress Robot performance, by Roc Parés & Martí Sánchez-Fibla, featuring two NAO anthropomorphic Robots. The scene is organized around an empty mirror frame, with one robot on each side. The two identical robots...
  • Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records)Artist: Patrícia GouveiaComment:
  • Deriva -
    Deriva is a participative media performance which takes place on public space and can be followed live, through a web browser, anywhere in the world. A smartphone, attached to a bunch of helium filled balloons, broadcasts out of control images and...
  • Suyuan Stone Generator - 1 Hour Equals 100 Million YearsArtist: Zhan WangComment:
  • 86 Divine FiguresArtist: Zhan WangComment:
  • This proposed expanded cinema installation was an outdoor projection screen on which projected 35mm movies would materialize in smoke and steam. Mounted high on a steel frame, the approximately 6 m x 4 m screen was a shallow box construction with...
  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Information Pavilion was an air-supported hemisphere...
  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Video Studio was a PVC tensile skin stretched over...
  • Auditorium
    The Auditorium was the world’s first two-level air-supported structure. With two sets of revolving doors, the ground level could operate at a higher pressure than the upper level. This was necessary to support the weight of people sitting on its...