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  • Cyber Squeeks -
    ... and an overall collapse of space-time. The call to the artistic, scientific, media based community, should be to immediately...
  • Delicate Balance -
    Delicate Balance is an interactive robotic work designed to allow a fish to determine the direction that it moves along a wire, so it can explore it's environment beyond the limits of the tank. Bettas have excellent sight giving them the
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact
  • conscious love -
    ...The installation was conceived for the art show 'amour et conscience', Paris, 1999 (Atelier Sévigné, 9/9/99 - 9/12/99). It consists...
  • the beehive -
    ... interface. The plates (plateaus) represent general messages, partly reversible, about existance and communication on the Net and...
  • ...A blue taffeta and black velvet party dress is displayed on a dressmaker's mannequin or 'Judy,' located next to a computer and...
  • ...The LibraryArtist: Rejane SpitzComment:
  • Move 36
    ... the universal computer code (called ASCII) to produce a "Cartesian" gene, that is, a translation of Descartes' ontological...
  • In Conversation -
    A www/street intervention. When live and located, "In Conversation" provided the means for people in the street (or gallery), and users on the Internet to engage in a live dialogue with each other. The work aimed to examine the boundaries and social
  • Transporting Skies -
    ...Transporting SkiesArtist: Susan CollinsComment: