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  • ...This collection of experimental interactive movies, made by the artist over several years, shows live-action works in which the visual metaphors...
  • ...The Twelve Loveliest Things I KnowArtist: Chris HalesComment:
  • Grandad -
    ...GrandadArtist: Chris HalesComment:
  • Deep Contact -
    ... their hand on a touch sensative screen. This interactive videodisc installation compares intimacy with reproductive technology,... CONTACT (1989), directly involves the body of the viewer/participant who were required to touch the computerscreen. Viewers...
  • Paranoid Mirror -
    ... of reflection into both the viewer and/or other women in the videodisk sequences. In some instances, a switcher places the... reflected self portraiture. Though obscured and distanced, the artists reflection watches from behind the central figures. PARANOID...
  • Difference Engine #3 -
    The Difference Engine #3 uses the architecture of the ZKM Media Museum as a 3D template and the visitors to the museum as the interface. It is an interactive, multi-user, sculpture about surveillance, voyeurism, digital absorption and spiritual
  • ...Conversation with LiquidatorsArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • Ghost Town -
    ...Ghost TownArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • Autopoiesis -
    ... commissioned by the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Finland as part of Outoaly, the Alien Intelligence Exhibition curated by Erkki...
  • As you approach this piece a sensor turns a light on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex worms which are the stars of this piece demonstrate a form of supra organization in which these single tubefex worms