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  • Event: Sommerer, Christa, Mignonneau, Laurent, Lecture at Progetto Technoarte: Interattivita-Interactivity Conference, University of Perugia, ItalyInstitution: Università degli Studi di PerugiaComment:
  • Event: Connexio: uma vida óptico-eletrônica para as imagensInstitution: Università Degli Studi Di SalernoComment:
  • Pins -
    ... user input. Within this realm, we intend to redefine the...
  • Groys Boris and Degot Ekaterina and Riff David and Costinas Cosmin. Shockworkers of the Mobile Image - Catalog. Ekaterinburg: 1st Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, 2010.
  • 2015 L'Art et le Numérique en Résonance 1/3, Convergence (15th January - 4th April 2015) at the Maison Populaire de Montreil Curator: Dominique Moulon Artists: Samuel Bianchini, Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Emilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Patra Cortright,
  • Enter the Plastoscene -
    Humans have created a whole new epoch for the denizens of the ocean: the Plastocene. Plastic has become a ubiquitous part of the world's oceans, permeating all layers from the surface down to the darkest depths. Humans like to consider themselves
  • A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance Ceremony in Whitehall, London. A young man ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the
  • ... LC 8098 Sangeet N’Trust, Realize You’re Free, O ILIOS MUSIC,...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    Two dispersed installations are connected via an ISDN teleconferencing link, enabling audio and video communication between the two sites. The first installation (location 1), the main gallery installation consists of a table and chair on a carpet
  • Diadrama
    The Diadrama was an audio-visual performance with over 2000 slides being projected onto a large wide screen by three pairs of synchronised slide projectors. The main themes explored in this work were panoramic methods of representation, the collage