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  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    ... our "secrets" on easily displayed form factors and encouraging viewers to wear them...
  • ... the concepts eventually acquire color and form. From a brainworker to the next, the...
  • ... surface. At one point text starts to form out of the fly pack and when one continues to...
  • ... all that one sees is plastic in the form of an acrylic coat of paint. These two...
  • ... campus of the University Kassel in the form of a digital projection. On the screen of 9...
  • ... Post 9/11, Dimon created a new form of art and storytelling that invite all into...
  • Colmena -
    ... to Miro‘s work in using a geometrical form which on the same time appears very organic....
  • ... become mobile elements (agents) and form a self-organizing system by means of simple...
  • ... is architectured on the ubiquitous form of the English terraced house. Using a walk...
  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    ... and rearrangement. The ornamental formations meander across the ceilings like a...