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    ... it introduces an interesting treatment within the visual field of the author’s video. There are marvelous minimal scenes, connecting elements from real material things with fanciful allusions. They might deceive us, giving the impression of being made...
  • ... their existence through a digestive system characterized by two holes, would find themselves split in two along the hole-connecting tube. And if such a punctured, three-dimensional body starts turning itself inside-out through the central hole, it acts...
  • ...In 1983 artists Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz began refining a concept for a telecollaborative network connecting informal public multimedia communications venues. The original Electronic Cafe Network was to be the artists offering as a replicable social model...
  • ...Event: Beyond the Sounds of Silence. Latin-American Artists Connecting Sound, Art, and Society.Institution: University of Miami Lowe Art Museum Comment:
  • ...Stafford, Barbara Maria. Visual Analogy. Consciousness as the Art of Connecting. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999.
  • ... and/or other worldmaking, by creating alternate realties as artworks that are simultaneously ontological propositions. The connecting tissue in his work lies in an interest in knowing. How do we come to know something? How do we know we know? And, how do...
  • ...Kera Denisa. Hackerspaces and DIYbio in Asia: connecting science and community with open data, kits and protocols Journal of Peer Production (June 2012): 8.
  • ...Benayoun, M.. Connecting and Disrupting Public Spaces: from the “Tunnel under the Atlantic” to the Open Sky Campus ISEA2015 (2015).
  • ...Seaman, Bill. Neosentience and the Abstraction of Abstraction Systems Connecting Matter, Life, Culture and Technology 1, no. 1 (2013).
  • ... internationally, such as in "Hors Piste" (Centre Pompidou, Paris 2008), "Goodbye Privacy" (Ars Electronica, Linz 2007), "Connecting Worlds" (NTT ICC, Tokyo 2006), "Satelite of Love" (Witte de With, Rotterdam 2006), to name a few. Her recent film...