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  • CURATORIAL STATEMENT CODeDOC takes a reverse look at 'software art' projects by focusing on and comparing the 'back end' of the code that drives the artwork's 'front end'—the result of the code, be it visuals or a more abstract communication
  • This interview was made for the exhibit „Not There“ at the Sabanci University Kasa Gallery, as part of ISEA2006 show UNCONTAINED - an official parallel exhibit to the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. "Not There" is an exhibition of artworks from the
  • Primitive
    The primitives, whose components include the platonic solids, function as basic modules in every 3D-program. Within computergraphics one can assemble complicated structures from those elementary one-, two- or three-dimensional geometrical shapes.
  • Artist Statement: I am interested in exploring notions of transformation, energy transfer, bridging the conscious and unconscious realms, and rendering the invisible visible through action and reaction. The results manifest themselves either as an
  • Invitational show at the ICA Boston as part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival 2011
  • Works by Manifest.AR were shown in the exhibit “Invisible ARtaffects“ as part of FACT's 10th anniversary exhibit "Turning FACT Inside Out"
  • Curated by Mark Skwarek
  • Seeking Silicon Valley - Manifest.AR @ Zero1
  • Event: DUMBO Arts Festival, Manifest.AR @ DUMBO 2011Institution: DUMBO Arts FestivalComment:
  • Dejan Grba's research in new media art combines mutually inspired artistic and theoretical work. In art projects, he explores the creative, technical and relational aspects of generative systems by defining new ways to interrelate the material and