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  • ... or smaller. Wave-like motions can be...
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... coo, if delivered like a drill sergeant,...
  • FramedMemoryCard responds to an open serie of unique sculptures that becomes a receipt of digital information where the artist “bury” several files under the sculpture structure. It is defined us an information package hard protected with material
  • Continuum
    ... side to side, just as occurs when we...
  • Plain Text -
    ... right-to-left, like an odometer only with... typewriters, and time, the monkeys will...
  • Portrait One -
    ... to capture, this time, fragments of...
  • Autopoiesis -
    Autopoiesis, is a robotic sculpture installation commissioned by the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Finland as part of Outoaly, the Alien Intelligence Exhibition curated by Erkki Huhtamo, 2000. It consists of fifteen robotic sound sculptures that
  • Primitive
    The primitives, whose components include the platonic solids, function as basic modules in every 3D-program. Within computergraphics one can assemble complicated structures from those elementary one-, two- or three-dimensional geometrical shapes.
  • Swimmer
    The swimmer is performing movements which can be seen as completely natural, yet they contain a vital contradiction, a double meaning: swimming as a way of surviving. At the same time as the swimmer is having a pleasurable experience of the element
  • Retelling - video
    Fragments of the image "At the Bar" are continuously re-ordered each time resulting in a new composition. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Angus Forbes contributed the visualization software.