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  • The Teacup Tools are an array of cybernetic teacups, adapting themselves to the realm of climate related sciences.They appear as a multifunctional tool for the investigation of tiny micro clouds above tea, for communication and for tea drinking.
  • PLACE-Turkey (YER-Türkiye) takes participants on an embodied journey through a virtual landscape of panoramic photographic scenes and cinematic events. It utilizes the interaction paradigm first developed in PLACE-a user’s manual (1995), which is a
  • Ellen Pearlman is a New York based media artist, curator, writer and critic. She is a Research Fellow at MIT, Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT
  • Helyer, Nigel. The Nomadic Ear in: Sonography, Cartography and the design of Sonic Narratives for Nonlinear Experience. Site of Sound: Of Architecture and the Ear. Vol.2. Berlin: LaBelle, Brandon & Marthino, Claudia, 2011.
  • Helyer, Nigel. The Sonic Nomadic ~ Exploring Mobile Surround Sound Interactions. Multimedia, IEEE 16, no. 2 (April-June 2009): 12-15.
  • Kluszczyński, Ryszard W.. Nomadic Images: Transmediality and Hybridity in Contemporary Media Art In The Homelessness of Art, edited by Grzegorz Sztabiński, 119-134. Łódź: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2011.
  • Where are you from?_Stories, 2002-2009, is a net-art piece supported by a one-year research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. The videos for the net-art piece were selected from approximately 200 15-minute videos captured in special events
  • Home Transfer -
    HOME TRANSFER looks at the relationship between home, architecture and new technologies. The interactive and participatory ‘net-art’ work unfolds via a menu composed of three 'chapters': Guest, Host, and Parasite. The work explores changing notions
  • Beiguelman, Giselle and Jorge La Ferla, ed. Nomadismos Tecnológicos (Dispositivos móviles: usos masivos y prácticas artísticas). Buenos Aires: Ariel, 2011.
  • The Neighbour -
    "The neighbour, neither friend nor enemy, is the one who may not be in your "network", but is nevertheless in your world." (Sukumaran) This ambitious project is Sukumaran's first major one-person exhibition in the UK. In The Neighbour, two