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  • ... of the letters as well as a tentative communication with words. Up to eight letters could be placed by each player on the board...
  • ... and communication systems. I wrote a poetic punning text with word and sound play. I also used image puns and word plays - like...
    ... is to create an electronic instrument of beauty. In his own words: "In days gone by, a musical instrument had to have a beauty, of...
  • Tessel -
    ... surfaces into polygons. The term has its origin in the Latin word 'tessella', describing the square tiles used to make mosaics. ...
  • Text Rain
    ... silhouette of any dark object, the letters assemble to form words or phrase fragments. Text Rain encourages a collective...
  • Text Trends -
    ... over the last four years by internet users around the world. Pairs of words such as ‘now and later’, ‘summer and winter’ play out...
  • TextArc
    ...TextArc: Revealing Word Associations, Distribution and Frequency. TextArc is a tool designed to help people discover patterns and concepts in...
  • ... left) and the life sciences (top left). Since the scattered words are pulled toward the places where they are used in the text,...
  • the beehive -
    ...In a floot of information words and pictures seem to lose their credibility. Does the culture disappear in the media ...
  • ... and architecture. Often texts in the work explored puns, word plays and poly-valent language. The material qualities of both...