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  • Waterquake
    In Waterquake long lengths of tubing were dropped into a canal and then slowly inflated with air and smoke. The tubing emerged from the water, filling the canal and then spilling over into the surrounding streets. The spectators pulled and knotted
  • ... – Das Mallory Projekt. Vienna: Triton, 2002.
  • ... by Christoph Kronhagel, 20-27. Vienna/New York: Springer, 2010.
  • ... directions like a lighthouse. © Jeffrey Shaw cylindrical red LED units where alphanumeric texts rotate....
  • Animal -
    ... Exhibition "Animals" Curator: Jeffrey Shaw and Paul Lam - Hong Kong,... 2018 City University Hong Kong Exhibition "Animals" Curator: Jeffrey Shaw and Paul...
  • Three proposals for sculptures on the Hayward Gallery in London: a heap of giant inflatable potatoes on the terrace, an inflatable dome covered with a film projection which constituted a sphere of daytime sky during the night, and the whole building
  • Glove Screen -
    ... - This is a Situation of Opportunity at the Kingly Street Gallery in...
  • Royal Road - video
    In 1993 a new videodisc-based version of Going to the Heart of the Centre of The Garden of Delights (1986) was made. No longer related to a particular architectural context, the viewer walks along a path marked by blue lights towards a large video
  • Points of View III - A Three Dimensional Story explored the notion of an open artwork by inviting sixteen people to make narrative contributions which were then interactively linked to the visual scenography so that the viewer could navigate between
  • ... for the Legible City. © Jeffrey Shaw