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  • Fortune 500 Cookies are gold wafers of silicon that have been discovered in San Jose and are said to be propagating from Silicon Valley to around the world. Their peculiar appearance, unusual for fortune cookies, indicates they are derived from the
  • Alpha Blend - video
    ... from the past is animated by a live presence, in a similar preceptual mechanism than the one used in Lozano-Hemmer's public art installation "Body Movies". Half the time an immediately previous image is shown while the other half of the time an image is...
  • ... as a refuge from the outside world. An edition of Beyond Manzanar is in the permanent collection of the San Jose Museum of Art, Silicon Valley.
  • ..."Shades of Absence: Outside Inside" places silhouettes of artists who have been threatened with arrest or physical violence into the closed curatorial space of the Giardini in Venice. Whether these artists are outsiders or insiders, known internationally or only within...
  • ...Surveillance technology, robotics and computers all feature in the work of Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. As you enter the exhibition space, overhead cameras track your movements, triggering a reaction -- in one room rows of white chairs rise and fall in...
  • San Marco Flow -
    ... layer of traces building into a rich and complex image that is very painterly and find many resonances with the history of Art and the history of the piazza itself. In the projection on the right, the past fades more quickly resulting in a gently dynamic...
  • Search Detection, 2012 LED Matrix, arduino processor, wooden cabinet, computer, Internet connection Variable size, can cover between 1 and 3 m of wall space Ed. 1/3, 1 AP Live digital streams that display the results of a search algorithm using the
  • ... by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple everyday objects and forms onto real spaces to "explore the relationship between art and politics" in the new...
  • ...The "Reign of Gold" augmented reality artwork surrounds you and your favorite object of protest in a rain of $50 US gold eagle coins. Part of AR Occupy Wall Street, organized by Mark Skwarek.
  • ... itself into a different image. The animation cycles through approximately six different images. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Yun Teng assisted with the visualization software