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  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ciberadão e a magia das cibercoisas pervasivas In In vivo, in vitro, in silício: ensaios sobre a relação entre arte, ciência, tecnologia e o sagrado, edited by Leila AMARAL and Amir GEIGER, 246-275. São Paulo: Attar, 2008.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Eliseo REATEGUI and Gelson Cardoso REINALDO and Alexandre LORENZATTI. Mixed Realities in the Living Tattoos Social Platform Urban Mixed Realities: Technologies, Theories and Frontiers, Presence, place, collaboration,
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Urbano cíbrido: átimos calmos em comunicação ubíqua e móvel por conexões transparentes II Simpósio da ABCiber (2008).
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ciberestética e a engenharia dos sentidos na Software Art. In Estéticas Tecnológicas: Novos modos de sentir, edited by Lucia SANTAELLA and Priscila ArantesSão Paulo: Educ, 2008.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Suzete VENTURELLI. Cibercomunicação cíbrida no continuum virtualidade aumentada e realidade aumentada ARS 1 (2008): 140.
  • As part of Cao Fei's RMB City installatio0n, collaboration with Gazira Babeli
  • Living Tattoo -
    Workshop in the event HCI - ACM 2008 - Urban mixed life
  • Virtual Berlin Wall -
    The Berlin Wall separated West Berlin from East Berlin from 1961 - 1989. As part of the “inner German border” it was a symbol of the Cold War and the division of large parts of the world into two opposing political systems. By now, most traces of
  • On translation -
    Every day we have to make decisions. These are decisions between affirmation and negation, between yes and no, between 1 and 0. The path is a long one that finally leads a translation of a text to its new destination. There it becomes obvious that
  • Soul Of The City -
    Soul Of The City By Stanza 2009 Enter Artwork online. Version one. Version two. Version three. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is the city