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  • An Engine of Many Senses is a generative computational work exploring the history and potential future of the computer. It includes a series of media elements that combine and recombine over time -- 3d images, 2d stills, generative audio, generative
  • Duke Performances, Durham, 2018 - world premiere A bold new opera developed at Duke University that uses the high-drama framework of opera and advanced technology to explore ideas of apocalypse, renewal, and survival in the modern age. During each
  • ... University in Montreal, Pratt Institute in New York...
  • Weibel, Peter. Die Medienkunst und der veränderte Werkbegriff In Zur Definition eines neuen Kunstbegriffs, edited by Galerie Krinzinger, 21ff. : 1979.
  • Benayoun, M.. Tentative de définition de l'Art Numérique
  • "A central concept of my artworks is 'freedom of speech.' My understanding of freedom and democracy is not only "rights"and "privileges" ­ the traditional definition in the USA ­ but also of responsibilities. Interactive Media give audiences the
  • die.txt -
    die.txt is a bio-engineered text editor. As the user types, individual words spawn outgrowths of alternative meanings and definitions. These metonyms are sucked from Wordnet, a lexical reference system developed by Princeton University.  
  • Le concept de la Main Invisible développé par Adam Smith m’a toujours fasciné. En ces périodes électorales étasuniennes où il est brandi comme argument ultime, quasi mystique, pour justifier la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé
  • Domingues, Diana. Le CyberArt et La Magie du Cyberspace In Les défis du cybermonde, edited by Hervé FischerQuebec, CAN: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2003.
  • To mark its 20th anniversary, the congress part of EMAF called "D-Fluxx" presented not only a kind of inventory entitled "Media Art History", but also a definition of the current position of Media Art. The film programme focused on the Cuban