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  • ...Weibel, Peter. Digitalität als Vorschein der künftigen Welt In Konsum and Kommunikation, edited by Galerie V\&VWien: 1986.
  • ... in the second room. Here a large video- projection showed a digitally processed version of the performance. The image processing...
  • ... with the last selected individual to create a digitally generated composite, a new 'being' who had never...
  • 125. Fragment -
    ...A series of portraits by Archimboldo (Seasons, Elements) are digitally interwoven to create a symultaneous montage of their pictorial elements....
  • The Distorted Barbie -
    ..."The distorted Barbie" is a web-art installation that displayed digitally altered images of Barbie dolls in order to comment on Barbie as a...
  • ... images with this in mind, then matched the frames together digitally, then printed in larger, more efficient batches. The... It was like an enormous jigsaw puzzle, but it basically worked. For the second attempt, they shot only several minutes of...
  • ... Like the Frozen Feelings, the plates of aluminium are digitally carved on the model of world emotions maps. Video, TV...
  • ... interest in everyday life as seen, recorded and then digitally re-visioned into a kind of meta-physical photographic... The Lacemaker is one of Acevedo's most well know works. It was exhibited at the ACM/SIGGRAPH98 Art Show called Touchware in Orlando, Florida,...
  • 6,’42 Images of material objects (sculptures by Alen Ožbolt) are digitally processed and projected into virtual, fluid spatiality,...
    ... They might deceive us, giving the impression of being made digitally while in reality, they are made by hand, following the... with magnetism and as far as the complex levels of her works of art are concerned, it is the temporal dimension which...