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  • lighttrain -
    5 channel video installation Screen system: 190.5 x 315 x 11.5 cm. Room dimensions variable
  • egaku -
    egaku is a tabletop user interface designed to enhance the ideation process with seamless image management tools. Designers sketch ideas as the system captures high-resolution images of the sketches and organizes them in a transparent image
  • HAIR SALON TV was the first installation in a series juxtaposing technological icons of the 1950's (associated with women) and video imagery on issues which have been shaped and distorted by electronic communications technologies. In HAIR SALON
  • WRINGER/WASHER TV is a pink, white and chrome wringer washer which has a colour monitor fitted in the bottom of the wash tub facing up. This installation deals with the issue of abortion in Canada, interspersing opinions and arguments with video
  • Swarm
    ... by the visitors who interact with the body and gestures disarticulating or promoting connective configurations. (source:...
  • ... observe the mirror and disappear when the visitor moves. The artwork pushes the perception of the own image as the other himself...
  • Reflexions - video
    His first interactive sound installation. Construction of some very bulky 8 x 8 pixel video cameras, connected then to a wire-wrapped card in the Apple ][ which digitized the images, and wrote a program for the Apple ][ which controlled a Korg MS-20
  • Echoing Narcissus -
    Echoing Narcissus is an interactive sound-sculpture in the form of a well, covered in copper sheet and printed circuit boards. It is a re-telling of Ovid's myth of Narcissus and Echo. All sounds made in the proximity of the sculpture are
  • ... with audio. Characters based on folk stories and rock art were represented as two-dimensional petroglyphs. When a...
  • sexBot is an exploration into the nature of technologically mediated encounters. It seems the more alienating a communication technology; the more its users are able to project their own erotic fantasies onto their experience. Using voice