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  • Lake_Shinji -
    ...Sharing collective memory by using the lake_Shinji as a drawing pad. Over 50 people which include local... July, 2002. Project realised with Shimane Art Museum in Matsue. Part of the images were...
  • Impressing Velocity -
    ... climbed up Mt. Fuji with GPS in the summer 1992. Follwoing images were calculated...
  • Field-Work@Hayama -
    ...Field-Work@HayamaArtist: Masaki FujihataComment:
  • Timetable
    ... table. Twelve dials are positioned around the perimeter of the table. The functions each of... 3D scene, projected onto the central part of the table, is controlled and influenced by...
  • Faraday's Garden -
    ... from thrift stores and flea markets). The machines wait silently, ready to be activated... In Faraday's Garden, participants walk through a landscape of innumerable household and office...
  • ... to quickly and effectively work through their conflicting emotions concerning the ... Cathartic User Interface 1.0 and 2.0 (CUI) are interactive, multi-participant installations that...
  • Workaholic
    ...A pendulum hangs from the ceiling, with an omnidirectional bar code scanner as the bob (the weight) at... disguised as ordinary hair dryers. Participants can influence the pendulum's path...
  • ...Bar Code Hotel recycles the ubiquitous symbols found on every consumer product to create an multi-user... as semi-autonomous agents that are only partially under the control of their human...
  • Lecture