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  • Students from CityU School of Creative Media and Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. During the first decades of digital computing and networking, the emphasis was put on the potential of the
  • WHITE CUBE alpha exhibition The Age of Experience curated by Harald Kraemer, CMC Gallery, School of Creative Media City University, Hong Kong Seeking the common denominator of all contemporary artworks, in spite of their spectacular diversity, the
  • The 'Engine of Engines' is a generative sound & video installation that responds in real-time to network traffic in the local environment. In the Hong Kong debut (see video), sixteen self-contained nodes, each composed of a screen, processing-unit,
  • The Formula of the Present - Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants New Budapest Gallery Tamas Waliczky's "Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" computer animation will be part of the exhibition. organizer: Center for Culture & Communication Foundation Curators:
  • World System -
    The theme of this project is "re-design for telephone". Winner of Japan Art Scholorship. This is a model of a flying TV-telephone which by itself float to find and link to other people (just like WWW). An idea "What if the original telephone
  • Penny, Simon. Automatisiertes kulturelles Spiel. Versuch einer Systematisierung der interaktiven Kunst In Schöne neue Welten? Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Spielkultur, edited by Florian Rötzer, 265. München: Boer Verlag, 1995.
  • Dominic Harris (London, 1976) is an artist who uses technology to construct highly personal interpretations of the natural phenomena which surround us. His reverence for nature, coupled with his fascination for code, offers a surreal and whimsical
  • In der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde die Kategorie des Schönen einem radikalen Wandel unterworfen. Das vertraute klassische Schönheitsideal, insbesondere der ideale schöne athletische Körper in der Nachfolge der Antike, wurden vom Diskurs der
  • "Simultaneous Echos" is the most recent production of the series "Field-works," compositing video images and locational data captured by GPS, production was made in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK. The project is focused onto music production
  • Yuri A Art studies in Sao Paulo (Belas Arts) and Chicago (The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, BFA). R.Mond ​ Art studies in Düsseldorf (Kunstakademie), Paris (Ecole des beaux-arts and Université Paris VIII) and Chicago (The School of the Art