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  • Cityscapes
    Overview Cityscapes (2008) provides a common ground where people can share their experiences of the places where they live and have lived, or visited, even of places they've imagined, read about, hope or have hoped to visit. Cityscapes is not only
  • The Hybrid Invention Generator (2001) is a work that explores a "machinic genetics." Users of the system can scroll through a series of inventions, choose two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying
    Bend plexiglass, reflected light Dim: 100 x 200 x 60-80 cm 'An object by Ursula: a monochromatic shadowy image drawn on a white screen, on the floor or on the wall, by reflected light shining though deformed and corrugated plexiglass. This shadowy
  • Watz is an artist based in New York and Oslo. He works extensively with generative design and code to explore the creative outputs of virtual spaces defined by rule-based systems and visual abstraction through generative systems. In 2005 Watz
  • Hall, Matthew and Alex Betts and Donna Cox. The Visible Radio: Process Visualization of a Software-Defined Radio In IEE Visualization, edited by Minnesota IEEE Press Minneapolis, 21. Minneapolis, Minnesota: 2005.
  • Artpool
  • Cilleruelo, Lourdes. Arte de Internet: génesis y definición de un nuevo soporte artístico (1995-2000). País Vasco, Spain: Servicio Editorial Universidad del País Vasco, 2001.
  • Computer-controlled interactive light installation with two light scanners Federal Educational Academy, Feldkirch (A), competition 2001-present [English title, Light Graffiti] 'LichtGraffiti' is an interactive light installation conceived for the
  • In our post-future era of acceleration and densification of information, the state and nature of being live and online becomes one of the crucial definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now
  • ‘This one’s for the farmer’ encompasses five bodies of work. Each set of work has been produced with the farming community as a partner. While the title seems to exclude the art viewer, the whole body of work is about enticing viewers to take a