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  • As a researcher, I am particularly interested in the role of the expanded narrative (as incorporating an active created or controlled space, cross-disciplinary collaboration and/or multi-sensory engagement, and an active audience encouraged to
  • Is a researcher in software design and development simulating natural realms. He works in the fields of behaviour, natural phenomena and digital modelling. His actually Senior Researcher at US R&D group of Sony Computer Entertainment and past
  • Rudi Knoops is a PhD researcher at KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts and is affiliated with the Inter-Actions research group at the Media, Arts and Design faculty (MAD-faculty) in Genk, Belgium. His practice-based PhD in audiovisual arts – for which
  • Bense, Max. Aesthetica IV: Programmierung des Schönen. Allgemeine Texttheorie und Textästhetik. Baden - Baden, Krefeld: Agis - Verlag, 1960.
  • Schons, Donna. Bis hier und nicht weiter Monopol (February 2018).
  • The Echoes of Ambiguity within Electronic Space - A series of image files produced on a Commodore Amiga computer that were derived from ambiguous compositions of language representation - whilst being abstract yet representational of reality at the
  • The Globe Show -
    Two week fax and E-mail event and telematic workstation between Fine Art students from Newport School of Fine Art in the UK and international artist, scientists and academics.
  • Texts Bombs and Videotape - A 24 hour fax, E-mail and SlowScan TV event presented as a telematic workstation between Newport School of Fine Art in the UK, The Hochschule fuer angewandte Kunst in Vienna and the Digital Art Exchange in Pittsburgh,
  • Digital Queers is a conference at The New School, in collaboration with Goldsmiths and OCR, that will focus on issues related to social justice for the gay community at large. The evolution of society has led to an increased acceptance of the LGBTQA
  • The performance occurs inside a capsule. We may control the avatar of the performer through a remote computer. The distance between the audience and the performer is set to 7 metres. We may type words, wishes or commands from our keyboard directly