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  • particles (version 59), 2009 Autonomous audio kinetic installation The autonomous audio-kinetic installation consists of small...
  • Water Bowls -
    ... scientific observations as the source... (source:
  • LPDT2 -
    ... Life® incarnation of Roy Ascott's groundbreaking new media art work La Plissure du Texte ('The Pleating of the Text'), created in...
  • Morel´s Panorama -
    Digital video installation Custom-made panorama camera, PC, data projector, Macintosh, loud speakers In Morel's Panorama, imagery fed from a panoramic camera (installed in the centre of the gallery) is mapped onto a rendered cylindrical image
  • Horizon -
    ... This installation was commissioned by Dundee Contemporary Arts for the exhibition, 'Timecode'. More info on Timecode here:...
    ... idea of, 'Prepared Pianos' developed for the most part by the artist John Cage, and although software is used in this case to alter...
  • ... Boissier and Daniel Pinkas and produced with Haute Ecole d'arts appliques de Geneva, and was shown at the Centre pour L'image...
  • Talking Tree -
    ..."Talking Tree" is also a project started with interviews (like "Landing Home in Geneva" 2005). It started with one of the oldest lady in the...
  • off-sense 2006 -
    The physical space of the gallery becomes entangled with the navigable space of the virtual environment in “Off-sense”. This sprawling installation of computer hardware provides access to a virtual world, where avatars float, roam and communicate
  • Unformed Symbols -
    ... the table alongside actual cards, yet animated to split apart, shuffle and change suits. The use of playing cards serves as a...