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  • Allen, Carl. Trois oeuvres Montréalaises font l'événement Qui fait quoi , no. 140 (Novembre and Décembre 1995).
  • Nancy Mauro-Flude is a mother, digital caretaker, and faerie circuit researcher whose commitment to holistic computing arts advances expanded forms of literacy around digital customs, codesign and somatic investigation at scale. She is founder of
  • Waking Agents -
    In the age of smart everything, even the personal space of sleep is invaded. The installation consists of a set of six pillows in an immersive environment. Visitors are invited to lay down and nap with a “smart” pillow, attended to by its embedded
  • We come across irony all the time in everyday communication: in photos, caricatures, texts and conversations. Witty, critical or ironic comments are transformed into questioning works and words using the devices of under- and over-exaggeration,
  • Penny, Simon. Virtual Reality as the End of the Enlightment Project In Virtual Reality Casebook, edited by Carl Eugene Loeffler and Tim AndersonHoboken, New Jersey: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1994.
  • Licklider, Joseph Carl Robnett. Man-Computer Symbiosis Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics HFE-1 (March 1960): 4 - 11.
  • Aigner, Carl. Tektonische Körper In On the occasion of La Biennale di Venezia 1995, edited by Ruth SchnellVienna: 1995.
  • Fuks, Suzon and Lila Moore, ed. Water e-Motion: Transformative Water Views in Caring and Daring – Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014 – 3WDS14, e-book. Australia: Igneous Incorporated, Australia, 2015.
  • Moore, Lila and Suzon Fuks, ed. Water e-Motion: Transformative Views In Water Views: Caring and Daring – Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014 – 3WDS14, e-book. Australia: Igneous Incorporated, 2015.
  • Christina Kubisch was born in Bremen in 1948. She studied music, painting and electronics. Performances and concerts until 1980, subsequently sound installations, sound sculptures and work with ultraviolet light. Numerous grants and awards, such as