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  • ... in each period. From the original drafting...
  • Weibel, Peter, ed. Peter Weibel. Depiction is a Crime. Video Works 1969 - 1975 [DVD+Booklet]. Wien: Medienwerkstatt Wien, 2006.
  • p53 -
    Grinder p53 is a life-printing machine. It is a monument made to reprint life. Hammered into granite the sculpture portrays the entire genetic sequence of the human suicide gene p53. The gene is exposed in a completely reproducible way. With a
  • Panspermia -
    ... select from random mutations of...
  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach.
  • Embracement -
    ... and scientists from the Australian Centre...
  • new skin -
    ... an evolution from Aitken's earlier...
  • Westway -
    A video installation work focusing on the mythology of violence in contemporary London. The work is both autobiographical and fictional and depicts a violent assault. The work was part of three works. (source:
  • The work depicts gene editing technology CRISPR which has the potential to treat genetically caused diseases, for instance, autism. The PHSCologram sculpture shows different phases of CRISPR genome editing. The first panel shows Cas9 protein in
  • Dynamic video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In between' (1999), 'Gegen die Zeit' is another installation for the secularized Johanneskirche in Feldkirch. The video projection depicts a female arm holding either a brush