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  • ... and a his collaborators from the Montreal based Society for art and technology (SAT). Panoramic images recorded every minute on...
  • Unstable -
    Computer graphic installation Images of stars and galaxies are displayed as pixels of light whose structure is randomized by computer processing. These are projected onto a large curved metal sheet whose galvanized surface reflects the light to
  • 4 Space -
    ... half octagonal cylinder that is divided into three intricate parts, each controlled by one of the joysticks. Like a three dimensional...
  • Their Things Spoken -
    ... originating in apparently unimportant, unknown biographies. The artist distributed among visitors to the ZKM a leaflet asking, »Why...
  • ...Si poteris narrare, licetArtist: Jean Michel BruyereComment:
  • Darker than Night -
    ..."Darker Than Night" is a telepresence artwork which explores the human-machine-animal interface and telepresence as a means of mediating...
  • ...Eduardo Kac pioneered telepresence art in 1986, when he created his first wireless robot, a remote-controlled anthropomorphic figure through...
  • Utopia Triumphans -
    ...Utopia TriumphansArtist: Bernd LintermannComment:
  • Muser's Service -
    ...Muser's ServiceArtist: Daniela Alina PleweComment:
  • Gateway -
    ...GatewayArtist: Daniela Alina PleweComment: