Archive Search

  • Escales improbables -
    Event: Escales improbablesInstitution: Old PortComment:
  • recombinant -
    Event: recombinantInstitution: ZKMComment:
  • Event: Algorithmic VisualizationsInstitution: Philbrook Museum of ArtComment:
    Event: NTAV UCS POCKET CAVEInstitution: UCSComment:
  • INSN(H)AK(R)ES -
    Event: INSN(H)AK(R)ESInstitution: VecerComment:
  • Terrarium -
    Exhibition "The Subversion of the Media". Itaú Cultural - São Paulo - SP - Brazil. Period: October 23, 2003 to February 22, 2004. Curated by Maria Alice Milliet
  • Terrarium -
    Curated by Maria Luiza Fragozo and Tânia Fraga.
  • Firmamento_ Popstars -
    Event: Firmamento_ PopstarsInstitution: Museum of Telecommunications (Museu das...
  • INSN(H)AK(R)ES -
    Event: INSN(H)AK(R)ESInstitution: VecerComment:
  • Underscan - video
    ... the portrait reacts by looking away, and eventually disappears if no one activates it....