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  • Frames -
    ... under computer control. It was commissioned by the NTT InterCommunications Center, a media...
  • ... pucks on the video-projected network components (e.g. servers, clients, routers, lines) and...
  • TellTale -
    ... a number of modular body components and one head piece that are used to record and play...
  • Cityscapes
    ... ‘information to geography’: microphones, cameras, RFID, GPS, wireless communications...
  • ... combined media reveal another space, not one of the flat, 2d screen but a fleeting,...
  • ... comprises of eight hybrid-photographies, one video work and one image sculpture."
  • ... and masses of people. Finance is just one of these fascinating complex structures that...
  • ...As one of the installation's aesthetic goals is the bodily impression of the generated object on the...
  • ... included two live video cameras, one of them operated by the actor himself. The...
  • I made this video back in 2005 for the S3 Project (Sights and Sounds of Science), organized by the Materials Research Center of the University of Chicago. I combined some video shot inside the old building of the James Frank Institute, with