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  • ...MiRAA Mixed Reality Academy for the Arts. MiRAA IN CONVERSATION with VR artists Tamiko Thiel and Eduardo Kac...
  • 14#BIS -
    ... event, by exploring mobile and locative interface in mixed reality, we put in the sky of the Brazilian capital, the pioneer...
  • ... and theorist exploring how media shape our perception of reality as well as the borders between the digital and the materal. He...
  • ... using a smartphone and an app (aurasma). This is Augmented Reality work lives in two spaces: in a supermarket cereal aisle in...
  • ... images inside a fixed frame, the notion of 'augmented reality' that accompanied the development of the virtual reality...
  • Homefront -
    ... There are two actors, a man and a woman, inside a reality-television set modeled on a typical suburban home. The roles...
  • ... where civilization is only a gauze misting the sight in the reality of violence. In a continuous process - continuum - violence...
  • ... a dual role as visual artworks and triggers for the augmented reality scenes. Wandering through this meta-dimensional gallery, the...
  • ...This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's...
  • Golden Blessings SG50 -
    ...How much do you need to be happy? A participatory augmented reality art project, engaging and questioning mechanisms of consumption and the...