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  • ... combining these two research areas: Web, TIME, LIQST_liquid state,... in Paris since 2010, she continued her artistic and technology...
  • ... these objects. Immediately, an Areo Commander aircraft crew said,...
  • ... y los usos de objetos y lugares. En alguna medida conservan las...
  • ... their promises of miracles, we are just as surely drawn to games of...
  • I-Camera -
    ... photos captured with I-Camera are shown in a 3D virtual reality space...
  • AirportSim -
    ... as check-in counters, waiting areas, and security checkpoints....
  • GeoSCAPE -
    ... for on-site application areas. GeoSCAPE allows the user to...
  • ...Personal Ambient Displays are small, physical devices worn to display information...
  • ... on specifically designed areas within the gallery. The avatars...
    ... Devoid of texture, Berlot’s are quintessential impressions that...