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  • ...Event: Quarxs à la Brain Factory: Dialogue between Maurice Benayoun and François SchuitenInstitution: Machines à dessiner à l'heure du...
  • ... Á props de myth entourant les technologies du virtuel Interface: La Revue de la Recherche (January 1996).
  • ...Harmon, Amy. Puttin´ on a Natural Interface Los Angeles Times (June 7th 1995).
  • Push /Pull
    ... The interaction is partly influenced by two of Hiroshi Ishii’s interfaces developed at the MIT media-lab; 'Curlybot' and...
  • ... cave. This is especially evident when a viewer places the iPad interface directly up against a wall, at which point its laser-scan...
  • Pupil
    ... field recordings and free improvisation with electroacoustic interfaces. It was produced by Wirtshaus Secrets, a fledgling...
  • Pulse Room - video
    ... over the exhibition room, filling it completely. An interface placed on a side of the room has a sensor that detects the...
  • Pulse Front -
    ... the heart rate recordings for the last 10 people who tried the interfaces. (Photos by Antimodular Research)
    ... light, video projections of radiological scans of the artist’s brain and related manipulated recorded video images. – Uršula Berlot,...
  • ... can provide advice and strategy through a wireless network interface. As keys are collected, aides will convey them back to the...