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  • EVE is a research and development project initiated at the ZKM Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. It encompasses the conceptual and technical development of a new form of interactive immersive visualisation environment
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual
  • Wings -
    Our most recent project was to advance the technology and techniques discovered during production of The Adding Machine. We utilized the projected computer graphic system developed for The Adding Machine, but further required that each audience
  • ... space." These are like 3D computer models in...
  • Room of One`s Own -
    ROOM OF ONE'S OWN (1993) forces the viewers eyes to become immersed into the actual space of a tiny articulated interactive electronic peep show. A stainless steel box placed at eye level with movable periscopic viewing device bridges the
  • Boids
    In 1986 Craig W. Reynolds made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. The
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... on the screen like the machine's....
  • "Eau de Jardin" is an interactive installation which transports visitors into the imaginary world of virtual water gardens. The image of "Eau de Jardin" consists of a triptych, a three-sided projection screen onto a 12 x 3 meters vaulted screen
  • Combining the political with the poetic, William Kentridge's work has made an indelible mark on the contemporary art scene. Dealing with subjects as sobering as apartheid and colonialism, Kentridge often imbues his art with dreamy, lyrical
  • Fidelio, 21. Century -
    Adaptation of the opera "Fidelio" (1814) by Beethoven "Fidelio, 21st century" [...] is the first classical to be performed interactively in a three-dimensional virtual reality [...]. On one side of the cellar computer equipment whirs, and the