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  • McGarrigle, Conor and Noel Fitzpatrick. Real Smart (Data) City. Le colonialisme par des données In Le Nouveau Génie Urbain, edited by Bernard StieglerParis: FYP Éditions, 2020.
  • Event: FIVA Festival Internacional de Videoarte - Jury MentionInstitution: FIVA Festival Internacional de VideoarteComment:
  • FIVARS. FIVARS 2022 Spotlight – Klaxon. My Dear Sweet Friend
  • FIVARS. FIVARS 2022 Spotlight – Klaxon. My Dear Sweet Friend
  • Event: Festival of International Virtual and Augmented Reality Stories (FIVARS)Institution: Festival of International Virtual and Augmented Reality Stories (FIVARS)Comment:
  • Five95 -
    2005 BEALL Art Center "Five95" Curated by David Famillian University of California Irvine - Irvine, USA
  • "The quotations no longer refer to the correct authors. On the mock website, quotations are continually reordered randomly with different authors, spreading online misquotations as a form of liberation from the fixation on authorship. This explores
  • Black Airground -
    A row of three large parachutes were fixed around their perimeter to the floor and continuously inflated with air. A light bulb above each parachute was the only illumination in the installation, and they were individually activated by the pitch and
  • The Net.Art Browser is a means of conjoining information space with the museum space and hybridizing the interactivity of surfing the Internet with the museum tradition of wall mounted images. While painting, cinema and TV construe images inside a
  • Apparatus for seeing your self from above In computergames you can see your game character from different perspectives. In the first parts of the game GTA (Grand Theft Auto) you lead your character from the bird’s eye view from above. In real