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  • 'Dark Matter' is a fully immersive, physically interactive, three-dimensional digital projection environment. The artwork explores whether the body might be perceived as an absence, inferred from the physical and cultural information around it. In
  • Dynamic projection The dynamic image projection 'Topography of Movement' features two oversized hands in motion. They seem to be feeling out their environment, gliding or swiping over the surface upon which they rest. The two cropped projections
  • Blue Stage -
    Sound, film, music, photography and images, text: the Blue Stage interactive installation presents an innovative model for the multimedia representation of cultural themes. Here, new kinds of interaction of between man and networked knowledge are
  • Art seeks diverse ways of understanding reality. Kiasma’s international exhibition ARS 06 focuses on meaning of art as part of the reality of our time. The subtitle of the exhibition is Sense of the Real. The human experiences like joy and sorrow
  • The 11:11:11 UpStage Festival took place on 11th November 2011 (with a bit on the 10th and 12th, depending on where you are in the world). This was the 5th annual festival of cyberformance in UpStage.
  • SMDK is a cross-disciplinary project by Knowbotic Research that results from an exchange of working techniques between media artists, computer musicians and computer scientists. The interactive environment SMDK consists of a data base containing
  • The Potential Thief -
    New performance installation exploring the relationship between the individual and cinematic image. Performers and audience members negotiate one another’s movements as they copy excerpts from films. Three audience members are asked to join each
  • Sensitive Painting -
    Sensitive Painting is an interactive installation where a projector linked to a computer, casts images on a large size picture representing the eternal flux between Eros and Thanatos. The images projected on the painting consist of the internal
  • Dreamgenerator -
    Dreamgenerator 4 ( detection, transformation, 3D generating ) reacts and transform according to events (sound, motion , light) within the building at Lärarhögskolan in Stockholm. The result is a real-time generated 3D world/model that transforms