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  • Sacred Code -
    ... of shifting shades of gray. The...
  • Poetica Vaginal -
    In this project, Davis broadcast recorded vaginal contractions of ballerinas and beamed this interpretation of ‘human conception’ to the Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti star systems using Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Millstone radar. In
  • Paris VideoPlan -
    Paris VideoPlan was commissioned by the RATP (Paris Metro) to map the Madeleine district of Paris from the point-of-view of walking down the sidewalk. It was filmed with a stop-frame 35mm camera mounted on an electric cart, filming one frame every 2
  • The Dorm
    after-image projection - 27 image / 7 minute loop
  • The “Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus” is a drawing machine illustrating a never-ending story by the use of patent drawings. The machine translates words of a text into patent drawings. Seven million patents — linked by over 22 million references
  • Microvenus -
    Joe Davis concepted "Microvenus" explicitly as an artwork and living art. His aim is the investigation of possibilities of communication with aliens and the search of longliving informaiton carriers. The main aim of the project is the investigation
  • ... How Database is Designed The Database...
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    ... information space designed for the...
  • A-Positive -
    A-positive, a dialogical event created by Ed Bennett and myself, probes the delicate relationship between the human body and emerging new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these elements extract sensorial or
  • Reabracadabra, 1985 - Videotext animated poem shown in 1985 in the group exhibition Arte On-Line, a national videotext art gallery presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo. In 2003 Reabracadabra was adapted for cel phones.