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    WEB-MINDSCAPE is an interactive installation joining diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It creates an immersive audiovisual environment, which is site-specific, where sound is diffused in surround, and
  • Chen Yun-Ju is a New Media Artist from Taiwan. Her interests include art and technology, philosophy, interactive media, and embodiment. Her work spans multiple fields including video, installation, and performance art to express personal emotions
  • ... art (Waag Society in Amsterdam, ICT2013 European...
  • Site-specific installation (La Cittadele, Saint-Tropez) plexiglass (150 x 200 cm), resin, light projection, sand 'Working with nature, Uršula Berlot sets out to discover its underlying principles, subtly intangible yet overtly percpetible. Her
  • egoscope -
    egoscopio engaged new subjectivity formats, reception amidst processes of entropy and acceleration, and transformation of the interface into the message, exploring the context of confusion between art, advertising, and information that digital
  • anet Cardiff's contribution to #10101 is a «Video Walk,» an original, immersive, site-specific art form. Museum visitors who wish to «do» Cardiff’s piece are given a small digital camcorder equipped with stereo headphones. It contains a tape
  • ... by choreographer Marie-Claude Poulin and media artist...
  • Inertia
    ... to: Yasmina Demoly, Jean Claude and Gilles Marchesi. The...
  • "An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and computer-media installation project that explores the inscription of historical narrative through the process of archive construction. This non-linear index, or narrative features
  • ... Le Piouffle, Jean-Claude Raspiengeas, Zbigniew...