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  • GENMA - video
    ... experiments shall be captured in GENMA. GENMA is a... of the genetic strings, cutting, pasting or multiplying... modifying its look and appearance in the glass box. ...
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... identity of numerous cutting-edge artists worldwide...
  • Workaholic
    ... of CHISEL or ROUTER, cutting grooves through images to... G4 computer. There are approximately 1500 unique ...
  • ... These include laser cutters, drawing robots, Jacquard...
  • Nano -
    ... camera, their images are captured and projected on the... "draw" in space, using a cutting-edge computer design...
  • ... machines, embodies the cutting edge of our own... code. The procedure is appropriate for celebrating a...
  • Phoxel Space -
    ... can be utilized as a cutting surface with which to... how the interface approach builds on previous...
  • ... 11 x 14 inch paper, then cutting the paper to 9 x 12... People could appear multiple times, or...
  • The Art Collider -
    ... This project is at the cutting-edge of research,... creating a collaborative approach of media art creation...
  • n-Polytope -
    ... environment combining cutting edge lighting, lasers,... architectures that appear, flicker and disappear... of nature (rivers, clouds, waves and cosmological...