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  • ... of co-mingled spoken and readable texts is generated. In other words the artwork changes from being merely a visual experience,...
  • the leap -
    ... sentences and sections of the text. The combination of the words are generated by the riding of the buck. An interactive sound...
  • ... by nerves and veins. The name of each bodypart is a play with words for its virtual function: the Heart&Blood Room, the Breathing...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... a reverence towards the heat and light of the sun. As if his words, whatever they may be describing are always written on the same...
  • ... and platform technology development takes inspiration from the words of AI pioneer Marvin Minsky: "Imagine the books in the libraries...
  • Perhaps -
    ... 2. The poem is a world with 24 avatars, each a different word. Each reader, in order to read the poem, must establish his or...
  • ... The Tables Turned takes its title from a poem by William Wordsworth of almost the same name. The original poem accuses the...
  • ... the images, texts, voices and sound on stage. Playing with a word and its syllables or sounds, like Politik-tik-tik, is created by...
  • Landscape One -
    ... This journey through space is also a journey through words, meanings, language, subjectivity. It highlights not only the...
  • Tracing -
    ... blurred letter is "retraced" with the mouse to extrude focused words and video segments. The letter, written by a non-native speaker,...