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  • Jody Zellen is a Los Angeles based artist who works in many media simultaneously making interactive installations, mobile apps, net art, animations, drawings, paintings, photographs, public art, and artists' books. She employs media- generated...
  • Götz, Karl Otto. Elektronische Malerei und ihre Programmierung Das Kunstwerk 12 (June 1961).
  • Thie, Joseph A.. Computers in the Arts Computers and Automation 10, no. 9 (September 1961): 23-28.
  • Wiener, Norbert. Cybernetics, or Control and Communciation in the Animal and the Machine. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1961.
  • Giselle Beiguelman is a media artist and Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP). Her work include interventions in public spaces, networked projects and mobile art applications, exhibited...
  • Sylvia Eckermann In Sylvia Eckermann's work, a discursive engagement with form and media culminates in critical artistic reflections about our entanglement as individuals in current socio-economic situations. Eckermann works with various media...
  • Toshio Iwai is a Japanese interactive media and installation artist who has also created a number of commercial video games. In addition he has worked in television, music performance, museum design and digital musical instrument design. In 1985,...
  • Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. A pioneer of telecommunications art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac (pronounced "Katz") emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living...
  • Patrick is a conceptual artist, curator, and theorist exploring how media shape our perception of reality as well as the borders between the digital and the materal. He is best known for his work with the virtual reality performance art group Second...