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  • Over the Rainbow -
    7Computers linked seven huge swings (5m high) for adults. Each swings are illuminated by seven differnt colours when their angles are all differnt (almost impossible though). A work made to represent " cooperation through non-cooperation".
  • Acryl and marker on paperSeries (12), dim: 66 x 90 cm (each) Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of bodily particles shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one using form and colour on two levels: colour (the
  • Gulliver's Travels ©1998, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez Gulliver Visitors are inserted with a 3D panorama representing a natural forest. The forest was photographed with 2 analog photographic machines with several shots. The third
  • Rolland, Jannick and William Gibson. Towards Quantifying Depth and Size Perception in Virtual Environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 4, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 24-49.
  • "Flatsun," 2011 Custom-made LED screen, computerized surveillance tracking system, fluid dynamic algorithms (Navier Stokes, fractal flames, reaction diffusion and Perlin noise), aluminium, stainless steel, glass 55.12" / 140 cm diameter 6.3" / 6
  • The second in the series, "Plot Against Time #2 (flurry)", tracks individual snowflakes whirling in the complex turbulence created by the rigorous and minimal forms of Mies van der Rohe's Toronto Dominion Centre skyscrapers and the Al McWilliams
  • Slater, Mel and Martin Usoh and A. Steed. Depth of Presence in Virtual Environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 3, no. 2 (1994): 130-144.
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    Sauna_01 #1, realized at the San Francisco Electronic Music Festival 2000, consists of a 10 x 14' enclosed room within which is positioned a 4 x 8' tank-a half cylinder resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI chamber." The Sauna tube is
  • Planchette Bot -
    Planchette Bot re-creates the aura of few of the global figures in automated voice and hologram. The select historical figures include M. K. Gandhi, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandela, among others. Their personalities are recreated by incorporating AI
  • "My artistic practice is characterised by an in depth engagement with process, scientific methodologies and the nature of experiment. Here 'experiment' refers both to the act of acquiring knowledge and information through testing scenarios, and to