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  • Tracking the NetArtist: Franz FischnallerComment:
  • Lautriv Chromagnon MedusaArtist: Franz FischnallerComment:
  • Sound is a musical and visual stereo virtual reality environment designed for Tracking The Net and a multi-user platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. The application has been designed to host interactive teams, which can
  • [SCD]
    [SCD]Artist: Franz FischnallerComment:
  • Franz Fischnaller was the co-founder of F.A.B.R.I.CATORS and is now the art and production Director. He is a Professor at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence, Italy), and teaches art and multimedia on the Master of
  • Fischnaller, Franz. Tracking the Net In Fleshfactor, Ars Electronica Festival ´97, , 137-138. : 1997.
  • Fischnaller, Franz. Cultural Heritage and New Medias In Pendulum Symposium: Mediterranean and Balkan Art and Technology, , 47-48. Athens, Greece: 1999.
  • Fischnaller, Franz. Multi Mega Book in the Cave In XXXIV Incontri Di Sorrento Del Cinema e dell´Audiovisio, edited by Gennarelli Bideri, 35-36. Naples: 1999.
  • Fischnaller, Franz. Robots Avatars Dealing wih Virtual Illusions In Cyberarts `99: International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica, edited by Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder, 49-50. Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999.
  • Fischnaller, Franz. Tracking The Net, Interactive Art In IX Festival internacional de video y multimedia de Canarias, Mediafest, edited by Canarias Mediafest, 123-128. Canarias, Spain: 2000.