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  • ... objects, and the use of appropriated material in the making of art. Through the use of new television technologies it suspends the...
  • ... fool the brain into experiencing other "realities". The artist Teresa Wennberg, known above all for her pioneering videopieces...
  • linescape.cpp -
    ...enter project here: artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum
  • Magnet -
    ... Funded by the British Council and Creative New Zealand. Magnet is an interactive work employing remote visual sensing techniques... In collaboration with Stuart Jones (sound) Produced whilst Artist In Residence at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New...
  • The Spectrascope -
    ... gallery installations only. (source:
  • Glenlandia -
    ... and technology over time. (source:
  • ... Architecture collaboration. (source: a tactile and interactive environment. She was awarded an RSA Art for Architecture award to work collaboratively with artist Susan...
  • ...Forest WalkArtist: Janet CardiffComment: Forest WalkArtist: Janet CardiffComment:
  • Infected -
    ... between improvising dancer, Iona Kewney and film-maker/digital artist Gina Czarnecki. Over a period of 18 months they have developed...
  • ... prosthetics, cryonics, gender alteration, cloning and genetic enhancement have all changed our perceptions of the physical...