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  • Artist: Alba TiranaComment:
  • Artist: Amenda TateComment:
  • Artist: Martina SimkovicovaComment:
  • In this interactive laser-disc-based work the viewer has to push a protruding steel bar to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn animates the images on its screen. A friction plate forces the viewers to exert themselves physically. Turning
  • ...Stuart Jones is a Boston-based composer of concert hall chamber music. His music has recently been performed by the LUMEN Contemporary Music...
  • ... PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work specializes in embodied and multisensory...
  • A large steel ball hangs from four cables and motorized pulleys within the atrium of this building. Connected to the center's computer network, anyone working there can interactively program its movement paths.
  • Golden Calf - video
    This work is constituted by a white pedestal on which there stands an LCD colour monitor connected to computing machinery by a cable running through the pedestal. The viewer of this work picks up and holds this monitor in his hands. The screen shows
  • These are reconfigurations of the original work conFIGURING the CAVE (1997) that for reasons of economy use simplified projection and interface technologies. Instead of the four screen environment, only one wall screen, or combination floor and
  • ... spoken and readable texts is generated. In other words the artwork changes from being merely a visual experience, into becoming...