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  • untouched
    “untouched” is a series of self-portraits created through 3D scanning and presented as unaltered online virtual and Augmented Reality sculptures. Motionless yet constantly interacting and performing in-between realities, the virtual fragmented
  • Capucci, Pier Luigi. Interactive Plant Growing Domus Magazine (March 1996): 70-71.
  • Capucci, Pier Luigi. Le forme del vivente D'ARS , no. 163/164 (December 2000): 19-21.
  • despain, Cara. All American: Defining Ourselves in a Time of Change Artpulse Magazine (July 2009).
  • Event: Acerca del carácter artístico de la InsumisiónInstitution: Universitat de València-Estudi GeneralComment:
  • Gaia EVII, 5. 30" by 22", 1995. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing with artist's studio seal in red. The seal characters read "Little Path Studio" for "Pathway Studio". Las piezas de la serie “Gaia” son caracterizadas por una fuerte semejanza
  • Beatriz Albuquerque lives and works between Porto and New York and is known for her interdisciplinary practices between multimedia performance and installation. She was selected by Flash Art magazine as one of the 100 most relevant international
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. La importancia de los institutos mediaticos de caracter interdisciplinario In Cibervisión 99: Arte Ciencia Nuevas Tecnologias: I Muestra Internacional, edited by Karin Ohlenschläger, 34-41. Madrid:
  • Caraës, Marie-Haude and Chloé Heyraud. Jardin & design. Saint-Étienne: Cité du design/Actes sud, 2010.