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  • ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts is the major academic event on Media Art, research and creation. Value of Values is an invited artwork curated by Art Center Nabi for the Lux Aeterna Exhibition. “Value of Values (VoV) is a
  • Luminous Hands VR (with Todd Berreth), Collaboration with Sonke Johnsen - 2015 World Photonics Forum Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics, Duke University, Durham, NC Generative Recombinant Music - Bill Seaman Luminous Hands The work “Luminous
  • Scholar: Melanie Appelt
  • Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital, conceptual writing, electronic literature
  • Kusch, Martin and Marie-Claude Poulin. Diver: a cyber-kinesthetic installation In Digital Synesthesia - A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art, edited by Katharina Gsöllpointner and Ruth Schnell and Romana Schuler, 114-117. Berlin: De
  • Kusch, Martin and Ruth Schnell. Fulldome / VR & AR Lab - University Infrastructure Environment In Ars Electronica 2020 - Festival for Art, Technology and Society, edited by Hannes Leopoldseder and Christine Schöpf and A. Wöran, 202-204. Berlin:
  • In Solid Landscapes verbildlicht die Künstlerin das unablässige Wachstum von nutzbaren und produktiven (Anti-)Landschaften, indem sie Zeugnisse für den dramatischen Wandel reproduziert und vervielfältigt, der weltweit in zunehmendem Maße vonstatten
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Kunst an der Schnittstelle von Technik, Forschung und Gesellschaft In Digitale Transformationen, edited by Ulrike REINHARD, 138-146. : whois verlags- und vertriebsgesellschaft heidelberg, 2004.
  • Scholar: Ghislaine Boddington
  • Scholar: Raquel Caerols Mateo