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  • Mobile Feelings -
    "Mobile Feelings" is an artistic project that explores the ambivalence of sharing personal information with an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile Feelings" lets people communicate with
  • zgodlocator -
    Zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In Zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer parts that are magnetically sensitive.
  • Recombinant Icon -
    This work was made in response to Patrick Lichty's request for a web based artwork which would critically address the icon, an essential element in most graphical user interfaces found in computer operating systems today. Recombinant Icon refers
  • a straw-like user interface (SUI) developed by inami laboratory at keio university, japanis an interface system that allows user to virtually experience the sensations of drinking. this simulation is based on the research data collected on the
  • Infinity of Sound-Light Scope Away invites the audiences to record a piece of the singing of their signature song with mobile phones and transmits the recorded voice to the mirror space to create fascinating new songs. When audiences enter the room
  • Which one is true? -
    Reality has become more precious with the advent of artificial intelligence. We are now living in the era of post-truth and is bombarded by fake news and manipulated by social media. With the advent and popularization of artificial intelligence used
  • This sensation of absorption and the loss of one’s presence also finds its roots in the fear of souls being captured in mirrors. The Etruscan word for soul, hinthial, literally means, "image reflected in a mirror." [prototype installation] (source:
  • This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple
  • Looking for God -
    The origin of the God-idea has always been a hot topic amongst those involved in seeking truth. Creationists will argue that the God-idea is built into us, believing that we were all made in the God's image. Evolutionists will argue that the