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  • I/O Brush -
    I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by "picking up" and drawing with them. I/O Brush looks like a regular physical paintbrush but has a small video camera with lights and touch
  • AirportSim -
    AirportSim aids an airport manager interested in efficiency to distribute resources throughout a model airport, balancing cost with customer satisfaction. The AirportSim application is made up of a number of user-manipulable simulation objects that
  • ... tool for designing what a...
  • Live audio-visual transformation and dematerialization of the viewer. [prototype] (source:
  • As Falling Falls -
    ... composed and designed by Stuart Jones....
  • The Castle -
    ... video projection designed for specific...
  • SandScape -
    ... is a tangible interface for designing and...
  • Pins -
    ... of discrete nodes operating in harmony as...
  • Presence -
    Presence is a three beam interactive video projection installation commissioned for the Art Machine II exhibition at the Maclellan Galleries, Glasgow. It is composed of three screens using high resolution video projectors and three computers with a