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  • Students from CityU School of Creative Media and Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. During the first decades of digital computing and networking, the emphasis was put on the potential of the
  • Notes for Sleepers Guts Seaman/Forsythe Exchange over the pacific (weave of the airline trajectory) 26 / 09 / 95 (part 2) just sitting here in sydney - 9 / 10 / 95 (part 3) Part 3 a attraction / architecture / association / algorithm / arresting /
  • First Virtual Sudio Live Broadcat of ZKM International Award for Video Art Oct 20 1995
  • Sjoukje van der Meulen is an art historian, theorist and critic with a research focus on new media and digital culture. She received her PhD from the GSAPP at Columbia University (New York, 2009). She lived in the United States for 15 years
  • Plot [English title, Project outline #11 to #15] Series 'Body Scanned Architecture' The work series 'Projektskizzen' was developed in 2001, based on the interactive computer environment 'Body Scanned Architecture', which was realized in the Austrian
  • 1995 Luxembourg Kulturstadt Europas, Congress Center
  • Zimmermann, Thomas et al-. Applying electric field sensing to human-computer interfaces. CHI ’95 Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 280–287 [< 01.05.1995>].
  • Richard Brown has a BSc in Computers & Cybernetics and an MA in Fine Art and creates interactive artworks using multi-media technology, computer programming, electronics and interfacing. Between 1995 and 2001 Richard was a Research Fellow at the
  • Dr. Sara Diamond is the President of OCAD University, Canada's "university of the imagination". She holds a PhD in Computing, Information Technology and Engineering from the University of East London, a Masters in Digital Media theory from the
  • Alba D'Urbano is an artist from Italy. She studied philosophy and painting in Rome and studied visual communication in Berlin (Hochschule der Künste). Since 1995 she is professor of computer graphics at the “Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst” in